Latest developments in the scope of ÚNMZ
Title of the draft regulation (text submitted by the EC) |
Responsible body
(for WG/ for regulation) |
Current status (update 07. 10. 2022) |
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on machinery products
The proposal for a Regulation was presented by the European Commission in April 2021 together with the proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence with aim to resolve issues arising from the ongoing evaluations of the existing Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and related research and consultations. The main objectives of this proposal are to create a legal framework for the placing of safe machinery on the Union market to cover new risks associated with emerging technologies by modifying the essential requirements, to ensure legal certainty by clarifying the scope and definitions, in particular in terms of delineation to other sectoral legislation, to ensure uniform implementation by converting the legislation into the form of a Regulation, to clarify the issue of mandatory third party conformity assessment for certain product categories as well as the possibility of digitised instructions.
The Portuguese Presidency initiated the discussion of the proposal, the Slovenian Presidency completed the first reading of the normative parts of the text and submitted a Progress Report to the Competitiveness Council on 25-26 November 2021. The French Presidency (FR PRES) received a mandate to enter into negotiations with the European Parliament (EP), which adopted its Position on 19 May 2022. In mid-July, an introductory trialogue took place under the Czech Presidency (CZ PRES), at which both sides presented the key issues within their respective mandates. At this stage, no political topic was identified, and the discussion was moved to the technical level. To date, 5 technical meetings have been held with the EP (5, 6, 14, 22 September and 4 October 2022), during which it was agreed which aspects of the mandates of both institutions would be the subject of further substantive discussions, and these discussions were initiated. CZ PRES also organised a half-day G7 meeting at the level of Attachés (2 September 2022) to prepare for these discussions. Expected timetable for further discussions on behalf of CZ PRES: Technical Meetings with the EP: 11.10., 14.10., 18.10., 24.10. and 25.10.2022 Political trialogues: 17.11.2022 WG G7 meetings (Attachés level): 18-19.10.2022 and 28.10.2022 |
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Regulation (EU) 305/2011 |
WP G7 |
The European Commission (EC) published a draft regulation in March 2022 as part of the First Circular Economy Package. The new Regulation is intended to replace the existing regulation, which has proved insufficient in several respects in its application, and to contribute to the green and digital transformation objectives. The most significant problems identified with the current legislation include the failure to achieve a single market for construction products, problems with national implementation, the complexity of the legal framework and the inability to meet the green and digital transformation objectives.
FR PRES presented the proposal and the impact assessment study. There was also a conceptual discussion on the more general aspects of the proposal and a discussion of specific questions on individual thematic areas. FR PRES completed the discussion of the thematic areas (13 July) and started the discussion of the normative text on a cluster-by-cluster basis in September 2022. So far, clusters related to the scope of the proposal, harmonised zone, standardisation, environmental sustainability, market surveillance, economic operators and consumers have been discussed in three autumn meetings (7 September, 21 September and 3 October). Expected timetable for further discussions on behalf of CZ PRES: WG G7 Meetings: 13.10., 26.10., 7.11., 22.11., 6.12. and 13.12.2022 |
Proposal for a Regulation of the European of Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 as regards the decisions of European standardisation organisations concerning European standards and European standardisation deliverables |
Ministry of Industry and Trade/ÚNMZ
WP G1 [2] |
The European Commission (EC) presented a proposal in February 2022 together with the EU Strategy on Standardisation. It aims to ensure that in the case of development of standards at the request of the EC, voting rights within the relevant European Standardisation Organisation can be exercised only and exclusively by representatives of the National Standardisation Bodies of the member states, EEA and candidate countries. To this end, the proposal amends Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 on European Standardisation concerning standardisation requests submitted to the European Standardisation Organisations.
FR PRES initiated the discussion of the proposal and at Coreper on 13 May 2022 the Council's mandate for negotiations with the EP was approved. The mandate of the EP for further negotiations was approved by the EP plenary on 14 September 2022. CZ PRES informed the Member States on the progress of the negotiations in the EP during the 3 meetings of the WP G1 held so far (11 July, 8 September and 22 September 2022) at the Attachés level and in order to prepare for the technical negotiations (14 and 26 September 2022), the submitted EP amendments were also discussed. Expected timetable for further discussions on behalf of CZ PRES: Technical Meetings with the EP: - Political trialogues: 12.10.2022 WG G7 Meetings: 10.10. and 15.10.2022 |
[1] Working Party of the EU Council G 7 for Technical Harmonization
[2] Working Party of the EU Council G1 for Competitiveness and Growth (Industry)
More detailed information regarding the discussion of the above proposals is available at
Information on the course of the decision-making process between individual EU institutions is available at