Public consultation on the revision of Directive 2006/42/EC for machinery

Please note the public consultation on the revision of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC launched by the European Commission. The main reason for the consultation is to confirm the problems identified in the evaluation of the Directive and at the same time to highlight which parts of the Directive can be improved and/or simplified. To this end, interested parties can use the link below to comment via the online questionnaire.
The evaluation of the Directive, which was completed in 2018, concluded overall that the Directive is generally relevant, effective, efficient, coherent and adds EU value. However, it also identified a need to improve the legal clarity of some provisions. In addition, the evaluation showed that weaknesses in monitoring and enforcement affect the effectiveness of the Directive. The evaluation also found that the Directive is flexible to allow for technological developments using new technologies.
Public consultation - questionnaire:
Comment period:
- June 2019 - 30 August 2019