The closing event of the development cooperation project

On November 13, 2019, the seminar "Implementation and Application of Eurocodes in the Republic of Moldova" was held at the Jolly Alon Hotel in Chisinau. The seminar took place with the financial support of the Czech Republic in the framework of the development cooperation project "Implementation of Eurocodes in the Republic of Moldova". The main objective was to introduce a set of European standards for structural design in the Republic of Moldova. The seminar was opened with the participation of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Chisinau, Mgr. Ing. Zdeněk Krejčí, and State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, Mrs. Světlana Dogotaru.
The seminar was focused on the presentation of project results and outputs and their importance for the design of building structures in Moldova according to European rules, also the design of building structures, general loads, and the design of earthquake-resistant structures and the related problematic issues were discussed. Attention was also paid to further developments in the field of Eurocodes, and Czech experts presented the Czech Republic's system for ensuring the education and authorization of construction professionals.
The seminar was attended by about 50 representatives of relevant state administration institutions, Moldovan Standardization Institute, design and construction offices, Technical University of Chisinau, Institute for Geology and Seismicity of the Ministry of Transport, Association of Architects and other stakeholders. Expertly, the program of the seminar was provided by Czech experts from the Klokner Institute, the Research Institute for Building Constructions in Prague and an independent expert on seismicity and Moldovan experts from the Institute for Standardization of the Republic of Moldova, Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure and Technical University in Chisinau.
During the seminar was also officially handed over one of the project outputs, an online system for secure access to standards and other normative documents, which was launched in June 2019 and is available on the website of the Institute for Standardization of the Republic of Moldova (
More detailed information about the project can be found here.