Analysis of the national metrology system of the Czech Republic
The Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing together with the Czech Metrology Institute are preparing a current analysis of the national metrology system of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as the "NMS CR"). In this context, it is necessary to obtain information also from the subjects affected by the NMS CR in order to formulate qualified recommendations for its further development. For this reason, we are addressing in particular public authorities, economic entities and research and development institutes.
However, we would also welcome the opinion of the professional community. By completing and submitting the questionnaire, you can contribute to making the national metrology system reflect more objectively the needs and expectations, from the point of view of the user of measuring instruments and measurements, in your area of interest. The completed questionnaire can be sent electronically to by 10 September 2020. We will be happy to answer any questions at the above email address.
We thank you in advance for your willingness and participation in the survey.